The Power of Allowing Yourself to Be Free

Interview with Shai Dayan who says that the heroes of our days are those people that are gifted with the power of strong intuition.

Upcoming retreat with Shai in Hungary - details here. 

How are you? How’s your voice?

I'm very good, the first rain is falling today where I live, and it is a dry land so the earth is smiling today. Like my voice which is dry by nature but ever changing with life movements.

What did you sing the last time you sang?

It was the song of waking up in the morning which describes all that happened during sleep and the coming alertness of the mind. Sometimes it is a beautiful song, sounds like coming from some ancient lost civilization and sometimes it is more like a list of complaints.

What instrument were playing the last time you played an instrument?

A drum, my favorite instrument after the voice. Especially this one, it's a drum I built myself as I started experimenting in making drums. It's a combination of a shaman drum and a frame drum that can also be played as a music instrument and not only a ceremonial one.

How’s your inner experience of your own life lately, in the last few years?

There are two parallel dimension to my experience, one is ever changing following the storyline of my life. The other one is never changing observation which has nothing to do with time, space or any story, just existing as a totally independent and content being. Both dimensions are one experience and the experiencer is me.

When was the last time you’ve had a whole-hearted laugh?

Well first of all thank god for our sense of humor without which life as a human being would have been impossible. I lough a lot many times from a very silly things, nonsense. I don't think I can describe to you the last thing that made me lough very much, it wouldn't make sense but it happened a couple of days ago while walking, on my way to a workshop I was having in Bratislava thinking that if it will come back to my mind during the work I will have to laugh.

When was the last time you’ve had a whole-hearted weeping?

Four years ago, when my father died. I don't weep a lot but when it comes I welcome it.

What brings you great joy these days?

Myself. It sounds strange but when I become aware of myself, my whole story of where I'm coming from, where I'm supposed to go and who am I supposed to be, is gone. When that is gone it feels like nothing is missing, when nothing is missing there is no need, when there is no need there is no want, when there is no want there is no worry, when worry is gone fear is gone and when that is gone joy appears.

And what makes you sad these days?

When I can't see my girls and when my favorite coffee is finished.

At your workshops what is the most difficult to do with people, in your experience?

Many times there are no difficulties but sometimes it is difficult to let them go after they have opened up in a new way and it's time to go home. For some people it feels like they would like to stay in that state and they are not sure how to do it and I can only help at some part of the way, the rest can only be done by themselves.

And what’s the fun part in a retreat with Shai?

We play and lough quite a lot, but the best is becoming aware of your power, the power of allowing yourself to be free. It is a mighty power and is the greatest fun.

Can singing be dangerous in any ways? If so, how?

When you are out of tune it can drive your neighbor crazy and a crazy neighbor can be dangerous.

Did you always sing, even as a child?

I was into music from an early age, playing different instruments but singing happened much later. Singing started when I started meditating.

Do you have singing workshops for children?

No, this work is about self discovery, children do not need to discover themselves, they already know that. For some reason we forget as we grow up.

What is the most valuable thing for you in the art of singing?

The place or state the song is coming from, in other words the singer. It is nice when it is original or professional but you can have a simple song being sang roughly and still receive a deep experience from listening to it. Of course it is also up to the listener.

What is the most valuable thing for you in the practice of meditation?

Meditation for me is a state of mind or rather a state of no mind. There are different activities that can bring one to a meditative state. Sitting is only one of them. I value whatever brings unconditional peace.

Is there anything that you feel absorbed into nowadays? Would you share it with us, please?

Understanding the emotion as a vibration indicator that can inform us about our vibration situation by distinguishing between the pure energy of the emotion and the story or history of the emotion, but that is a subject for another interview.

In what form does aggression manifest in your life at this point and how do you deal with it?

I can get impatient if I feel that my space is not being respected. On a good day I will breathe before reacting.

In your experience what is the crucial point when a group of people can turn into a community?

A clear understanding of who we are first as a human being. Out of that comes an understanding of what is our purpose here. When we realize that we all came here for the same purpose, a group of people may become a community.

What is your life’s motto now?

Viva la revolución.

Do you fight for anything?

Sometimes I feel like I need to fight to stay relevant in this world for the sake of my beloveds.

And do you fight against something?

There are enough conflicts going on everywhere, including within ourselves. I'm going for a peaceful revolution which is not only about revolting peacefully but it is about peace.

What would you say to yourself that you were at the age of 20?

Let’s play. I still say that 30 years later.

What does freedom mean translated in your own life’s everyday language?

Freedom is when I can put my mind to sleep. And when it does, I can go party.

Who do you think of as the heroes of our days? 

The heroes of our days are those people that are gifted with a strong intuition and are seeking a way to cultivate the power to go for what they feel as important. I meet them everywhere I go, young and older. Many of them are confused because there are no schools or any legitimate institutions to support them, there is a lot of different information out there but none are like that, they need to do most of the work by themselves. 

There is an imbalance in human society today for the favor of the more cognitive and logical minds which are very important as well but we suffer from this imbalance and these people are the most voluble human resources today that can bring the natural balance back.

In your experience what are the most important qualities of a woman?

Becoming free.

What would you advise to the women who would like to start to explore their feminine qualities, here and now?

Go for it and don't stop there, go all the way to yourself.

In your experience what are the most important qualities of a man?

Becoming free.

What would you advise to the men who would like to start to explore their masculine qualities, here and now?

The same I would say to a woman.

What’s your plan for the next 20 years or so?

I'm planning to build a home and a place of inquiry for all who wish to study in depth themselves and the world as a vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe (the heroes of today). The basic understanding is that our true nature is free and blissful and we can use intuitive artistic tools to dive into that and express our findings through art so we and everybody who is interested can benefit from it. There is already a team working on the first stages. And we would be happy to hear from anybody who would like to join us, but this is also a subject for a whole other interview.

If you would have left only one hour to live what would you do?

Be silent.

Photos: archives of Shai Dayan

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